Daily Find #110

This is the CodeIgniter edition, as you can tell I’m a big fan of the framework.  It’s MVC, it works on PHP 4/5, and it gets out of your way.

Bamboo Invoice System – written in CodeIgniter PHP

Using Oracle Wilcards with CodeIgniter

Working with the Email Class in CodeIgniter

Getting started with Google Maps API and CodeIgniter


A .NET, PHP, Marketing Guru authority, at least I hope I am. Reach me at tboland@gmail.com

8 thoughts on “Daily Find #110

  1. It really is indeed a great framework as I’ve been using it for quite some time now. It literally helps me with my work, now I can do other stuff and incorporate some of my own work and designs as well. The codes are not too complicated and even for an amateur like me, I can still maneuver it through my site.

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