We have our Web server running on a MAC OS X machine while our Web reporting software, NetTracker, runs on a Windows 2003 server. We needed to get the data across everyday so our reporting could be real time minus one day. I ended up writing a shell script to move the data: Hopefully this will help out someone out there.
*NOTE: This assumes you are doing a daily dump of your Apache log files
#! /bin/bash
# http://www.techtoolblog.com
DATETIME=`date +%m-%d-%Y`
cd /var/log/httpd
# On Sunday - Apache does a dump of the weeks worth of data
# we need to archive it
mv access_log.0.gz week_$DATETIME.gz
# Else rename the daily log file first -
mv access_log.*.gz log_$DATETIME.gz
# Now lets gunzip it
gunzip log_$DATETIME.gz
# Time to chmod for so right permissions come over to Windows
chmod 777 log_$DATETIME
#Now put it on your Windows Share
smbclient //YourServerName/Logs -UMyUserName%MyDomainName -W DomainName -c "prompt; mput log_$DATETIME; exit;"
exit 0
I still need to write some type of logging into the script incase there is an error. Also, there is a way to specify a encrypted file name for the password instead of having the password in your script, but I ended up changing the permission on the actual script file so only root could read it, root is the user running the cron job, so that should be enough security.
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